Cover available for over +150 protocols
Our insurance partners have paid over $20M in claims
Our insurance partners have sold 98% of all covers
Hacks cost the community more than $10M per month
Protocol hack covers can protect against events like hacks, rug pulls and 51% attacks when using or investing in protocols, such as Uniswap, compound, or Curve protocol. This type of event is the most prevalent, and shielding against this type of risk is most popular by far.
Protocol failure covers can protect against events like hacks, rug pulls and 51% attacks when using or investing in protocols, such as Uniswap, compound, or Curve protocol. This type of event is the most prevalent, and shielding against this type of risk is most popular by far.
Custodians protect exchanges or wallets against unforeseen events like hacks or bankruptcies. Custodian covers are a solution when using unknown exchanges, or when a large amount of funds is entrusted with a third party wallet or exchange.
Protects against the event when a stablecoin loses its promised link to underlying fiat currency. With stablecoin de-pegging, users can claim if a stablecoin drops beneath its peg within a set period. If it drops below the peg, the difference will likely be paid in another stable coin like DAI.
Protects against losing an invested amount and promised yield. For yield earning liquidity providers, a yield de-pegging cover protects against yield token de-pegging.
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