De-risk investments now

Ranging from assistance to direct cover purchasing to fully-fledged coverage, ensuring maximum coverage, continuous updating and rolling over the coverage portfolio based on your DeFi fund’s portfolio changes, including reporting and claims handling. We can help with:

  • Portfolio risk assessment
  • Risk/reward optimization
  • Max insurance coverage at the best price
  • Insurance portfolio management, reporting, claims handeling

Everything is on-chain and transparent.

We connect 95% of the web3.0 insurance industry

Multi-chain risk coverage portfolio

Protocol hack cover

Protocol hack covers can protect against events like hacks, rug pulls and 51% attacks when using or investing in protocols, such as Uniswap, compound, or Curve protocol. This type of event is the most prevalent, and shielding against this type of risk is most popular by far.

Protocol failure cover

Protocol failure covers can protect against events like hacks, rug pulls and 51% attacks when using or investing in protocols, such as Uniswap, compound, or Curve protocol. This type of event is the most prevalent, and shielding against this type of risk is most popular by far.

Custodian cover

Custodians protect exchanges or wallets against unforeseen events like hacks or bankruptcies. Custodian covers are a solution when using unknown exchanges, or when a large amount of funds is entrusted with a third party wallet or exchange.

Stablecoin depegging cover

Protects against the event when a stablecoin loses its promised link to underlying fiat currency. With stablecoin de-pegging, users can claim if a stablecoin drops beneath its peg within a set period. If it drops below the peg, the difference will likely be paid in another stable coin like DAI.

Yield depegging cover

Protects against losing an invested amount and promised yield. For yield earning liquidity providers, a yield de-pegging cover protects against yield token de-pegging.

IDO event risk cover

Protects users’ assets against hacks and bugs in case of a material loss of the insured crypto assets due to an exploit on an IDO event.